Hey guys, I recently got a steal on a 1986 lt 250r.($300) Runs an ride great, I noticed the oil was grey, along with stator cover getting oil in it/leaking out. Not a lot but more then the none that is supposed to be in there, I tried wiggling the stator an absolutely no play what so ever so my question is.. Where is the oil coming from into the stator cover of stator does not move or show any signs of a worn crankshaft bearing. Also with the grey oil.. I'm not losing any coolant at all. It's definatly lower on compression(haven't tested yet) but runs great once it starts. Rings bad causing hard start/crankcase to fill up with fuel an turn grey? Or is that a water pump failure even though I'm not loosing any coolant? Oil doesn't smell like fuel an I'm not losing coolant at all. And a stator cover with oil in it. I'm lost guys. Help me out, your times much appreciated. Thanks.