Hi Guys - new to the board. I have a 1990 LT 500 and it is stock as far as I know. I bought it some time ago and the PO claimed it ran fine. I ran it in my driveway when he brought it to me but nothing more than that, seemed to idle and rev OK. Fast forward a year or more when I want to get the machine out and rolling (for Little Sahara last October). Had to clean the carb to get it going and the pilot jet was completely plugged. I run the bike and it just won't run correctly. Idles fine but mostly won't clean out, won't rev correctly. If I run it on the street it eventually gets up to speed but was either not running clean or even seemed like the clutch was slipping thru the midrange. So, I pulled it in and removed the clutch cover to discover milky oil. I was able to look thru to the other side of the cases and the oil was the same color. I was questioning if this was a water pump/seal issue of if it was a blown head gasket issue. I did fill the radiator and removed the cap after starting it today and it did not seem to be blowing coolant out of the radiator. Seemed more like the coolant was just bubbling/surging when revved up. Lastly, was running it in my enclosed 20x32 shop today with the doors closed but it seemed like the smoke was whiter than I am used to with 2 strokes. Totally filled my shop up and had to open up and run fans. So, I guess I'm wondering if I have a water pump issue, or a head gasket issue or both (?). Could I also just need to go back thru the carb to clean things up? Is there any downside to just pulling the head to look other than the cost of a gasket? Sorry for the long write up and thanks in advance for any assistance!!