I would please like to add that when knoweledgable people talk about preserving your gearbox> this is where it comes up. As we all know the lt gearbox is not made of unobtainium and will break if not treated with consideration.
Since the same gear ratio can be had with a 13-40 or a 14-44 whats better? I will state what most people do first and attempt to put some logic in it. Most people looking for more speed get bigger front sprocket........WRONG! that puts less stress on everything exept the gearbox. the gearbox works harder. Wrong wrong wrong
Instead a smart man would put a 13-40 to get the same gearing but the gearbox is less taxed and the stress goes to the rear end instead. Better!
Thats pretty much it I think, let me know if I got anything wrong>I have only been doing this for a year......